AmphiSonic is a large scale immersive (ambisonic) sound environment that intersects Science, Art, First Nations knowledge, Electronic Music and the natural world.

AmphiSonic was commissioned by Curiocity Brisbane at the World Science Festival in Brisbane from June 24 – July 10, 2022.

AmphiSonic is presented and performed live daily by sound artist Panos Couros using pre recorded commissioned work from First Nations Yankunytjatjara Poet Ali Cobby Eckermann; esteemed frog disease scientist Dr Lee Berger and herpetologist Danielle Wallace from the University of Melbourne; First Nations singer and actor Ursula Yovich; and electronic musicians from the Doon Doon Collective – Greta Kelly, Siyavash Doostkhah and Amanda King. Additional voice by Jane Phegan.