The Performance


Calls to 1194 is a 50-minute, immersive and audio/visual experience where Sandra Thibodeaux performs her text within a live soundtrack played and improvised by Panos Couros on a subharmonicon. 

His Moog subharmonicon creates an impossibly ideal accompaniment growling, groaning, heaving like the waves, with a bassline that rattles your bones and tonal variations that make your skin tingle.

Geoffrey Williams, Stage Whispers
photo: Alex Galeazzi

[a story]beautifully told with an expansive and deeply atmospheric soundtrack.

Nicky Fearn, Artistic Director of Business Unusual

The work is enhanced by subtle video imagery that appears and disappears against and within the performers’ soundscape. 

photo: Lynda McCaffery

Naina Sen’s visual imagery, projected onto a cyclorama, are equally artfully considered and abstract.

Geoffrey Williams, Stage Whispers

Calls to 1194 is compelling; it offers a profound and generous experience for audiences fortunate enough to see it.

… an extraordinary generous act, and one that I am incredibly grateful to have been able to share witness.

Geoffrey Williams, Stage Whispers

[It has] … so many universal observations, metaphor and allegory … It is a deeply personal story but also an Everyone’s

Gillian Harrison, philanthropy consultant
photo: Jack Tinapple

Calls to 1194 takes you by the hand and walks you towards the end of your life, but in a way that is simply beautiful, even comforting. We all need to learn how to die; and we all need a reminder to truly live. This work is a gift. 

Occasionally, we have the opportunity to experience theatre that transports us into something like an ethereal flight through time and place. Sandra Thibodeaux’s epic poem is one such masterpiece, performed with a rare and restless authenticity and an equally brittle honesty and self-awareness. ()

Geoffrey Williams, Stage Whispers
photo: Paz Tassone